Sunday 19 February 2012

When Zombies Attack

There's at least one in every classroom, the kid who sits head down drawing all over the pages where their history notes are meant to be. Ami Delisle, also known as Tamara, was definitely that kid. I doubt there's anywhere she goes without her sketchbook. Tamara already had experience in Photoshop, and had been coding simple games and animations, so graphic design school seemed like the natural next step. Her illustrative skills have been a real asset in the program and have given her work a fun, playful style. In an industry where computers are the kings of the castle, it's refreshing to meet someone so skilled with just a good old fashioned pencil and a piece of paper. Combine this talent with all her shiny new graphic design training, and it's obvious Tamara will be one to watch out for. 

Tamara's infographic touches on a subject everyone can relate to. We've all wondered, either secretly or aloud, just what would you do if zombies attacked? Would you reach for the rolling pin, and hide in the bathroom, or run for the hills with a tire iron? Well, allow her gruesome guide to shed a little light on this hypothetical situation.

you can follow Tamara on Twitter @AmiDelisle or have a peek at 
more of her work at:

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