Sunday 15 April 2012

Extra Curricular

We might be students of graphic design, but many of us explore the world of art beyond our computers. 

Recently Nanae and myself put on an art show at a local brewery here in Victoria: Phillips Brewery ( 2010 Government Street ). The owner Matt Phillips is a big supporter of the arts, especially anything local. Each month he lends out the walls of his retail space for local artists to showcase their work. I've had the pleasure of working at Phillips Brewing Company for the last 18 months and have seen a lot of talent fill the space. So when I was slotted in for the month of April 2012 some 12 months ago, it's safe to say I was a little nervous. The idea of a solo art show was a tad intimidating, so I recruited the talented Nanae to share the opportunity. 

The "opening" was held a week ago, showcasing my paintings, and Nanae's photography. It will be up all month for anyone who would like to stop by and have a look. I suggest picking up some beer while you're there! Our art might be on the walls, but there's a delicious kind of a different variety available in bottles as well.  

Below are some shots from the opening. 

Definitely a fun evening.

Visit to inquire
about holding your own show