Wednesday 22 February 2012

Deadly Effects

Our next infographic was put together by Tina Louise Spalding. We didn't meet Tina until our second semester last year. She was always this mysterious name called out during attendance, but never present. When the paperwork was sorted, and she finally materialised, we were immediately charmed by her sharp wit and calm, loveable disposition. There was also no doubt that Tina wanted to be here. Living on Salt Spring Island, she made the long journey over land and water to get to class each morning. She would then turn around and make her way home after a full day of Photoshoping this and InDesigning that. A good challenge isn't something she shies away from, but rather faces, head on, with a smile.

For the previous 17 years Tina has been a fine artist, focusing on wild life and metaphysical art. Her wealth of experience as an artist, and obvious talent with a paintbrush has served her well in the program, giving her an admirable edge. She has now enhanced her creative skills to include the digital world, covering web design, digital art, and print media to name a few. While Tina's list of career suited attributes is long, one of her most invaluable is her consistent and contagious enthusiasm— and that can't be taught.  We're all pleased she joined our class. It's like they say: better late than never!

Tina's infographic below brings to light some shocking statistics about the effects of prescription drugs. You'd be hard pressed to find an adult who hasn't had to take some kind of prescription in their lifetime, and I'd say on the same note, it's unlikely they knew just how big a risk they were taking. By no means is this a stance against the drug companies, nor does it deny the good these pills can often do. The aim here is only to educate, and perhaps to begin asking questions about an industry we've so blindly trusted until now. 

you can follow Tina on Twitter @Tina_Spalding or reach her at

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