Monday 27 February 2012

Gamer's Delight

Ah yes, the age old question, "What do you want to be when you grow up?". Well, Taylor's answer was always the same, "I want to be an artist!". The kid drew on every scrap piece of paper he could get his hands on, recreating the kind of intergalactic battles, and giant spaceships that could only live in a little boy's imagination.

Years later, and all grown up, Taylor stumbled into doing some freelance graphic design work, and found that it was a great way to put his artistic talents to use. He loves the process that goes into building an aesthetically pleasing piece of work, and finds great satisfaction in that final product. While dabbling in the design field was fun, it was clear that he would only be able to take himself so far. At this point he decided going to school would be the best way to expand his knowledge and understanding of the skills and principles needed for design. So far, Taylor has excelled in his program at Pacific Design Academy, and is excited to be in an environment where he is constantly learning and growing as an artist. Consequently, Taylor's style has definitely evolved from his space themed days as a tike. You could classify his take on design as very clean, and modern. He's always trying to push the boundaries where he can, and isn't afraid to take some risks here and there on the quest for innovative, striking design. Also, if he can include a custom illustration into his work, then that's the cherry on the design-job-cake! 

It's clear that there is a bright future in design for Taylor. He truly is an artist, and we look forward to hearing where those skills of his take him. 

you can follow Taylor Sato on Twitter @kiyoji_sato or you can reach him at


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